Friday, January 5, 2024

John M. Jensen’s Record of a Prophetic Dream of Christ His 7 year old Son Received for the Family in 1896


He gave it one morning to me. While he told it I was filled with the Holy Spirit, testifying to me that it was from God. The dream was told like this:


I was together with you working in a field and I saw a light come from heaven in front of us, down to the ground. The light was very bright, more than the sun. Out of that clear light a man came, shining, and spoke these words, “I am Jesus Christ, I was crucified for the sins of the World.” He showed the wounds in His hands, and in his feet, and in his side, and said, “I have come down here to let you know that Canada is the place to go to,” and he spoke to the whole family, and he said that if the boy would be obedient to his father, he would grow up and be big like him. (John M. Jensen, My Life Story, ed. Sonja Jensen [Mill Valley, Calif.: Ram Print and Communications, 2007], 40-41)