Thursday, April 18, 2024

Joseph Morris's Physical Description of Jesus, Angels, and Satan

 December 7, 1861


3. Behold, I say unto you, my son, that I have many carriages with me. I am amply supplied with conveyances—all that I need while I am attending to the mission which I have to perform. I shall come unto you with my resurrected body. I am rather large in stature; much larger than you are. You are small and weakly now; but when you are in your resurrected body you are very large in stature. Resurrected beings are larger in stature than mortal men. I have seen you in your glory; but this is a time of trouble with you. You feel small now; but you will soon feel that you are the master of the whole earth. You will shortly stand in your glory again.


4. And behold, I say unto you, that I am of a fair complexion, I have lightish hair, and my beard is long and rather sandy. I am of a lighter complexion than you are; you are rather dark. You must pay attention to what I say unto you. I have given unto you a true description of myself in every respect. I ride upon a white horse; and I shall be upon a white horse when I come up to you. You must look out for Satan; for he will seek to visit you before I do; and he will try to make you believe that he is me. But behold, I say unto you, that Satan does not wear his beard, even as I do, and he is not of the same complexion that I am of. You know him, and you must resist him and send him away from you. He wishes to destroy you. It would be well if your companion or some other person would watch over you while you sleep, and let them shake you if you make a noise, for Satan is mad at you, and he says that he will destroy you if he can; therefore, you must look out for him. He intends to visit you before I do if he can. He is large in stature, and when he comes as he is, in his right garb, he is black; this you know. HE is large, but not as large as myself. If you see us both, you will know us apart. You will see me, as I have told you before, in a few hours; and when I ride up to you and give unto you the rod, you will be standing on the outside of your door, not far away from it. When I give it unto you, I shall envelop you in mine own influence. I shall strengthen you so that you can lay hold of it; and as soon as you have received it, you must commence to gather my people together, and to place them in order. You may rest yourself contented until you see me. You need not look for your enemies until you have seen me. I will guide you in that respect. I am not a traitor, and that you shall soon see.


5. And behold, I say unto you, that the angels are large in stature—even as I am. They are powerful in war. You know what resurrected persons are like. You have seen them often enough. (The Spirit Prevails: Containing the Revelations, Articles and Letters Written by Joseph Morris, ed. George S. Dove [San Francisco: J. A. Dove and Co., Printers, 1886], 267-69)


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