Thursday, April 18, 2024

Joseph Morris's Revelation Concerning the Creation of the Worlds

 April 23, 1862:


1. Behold, I am the Light and Life of the world, even Jesus Christ; and I am about to speak unto you again. You say in your feelings that you wish to understand the order of the second born sons of the first God, even those whose right it is to start the second rank of quorums after the firstborn sons have become glorified. You wish to know how their worlds came into existence. They came into existence in the same order as the worlds of the second firstborn sons do. Their worlds were created one by one every seven thousand years, and stood in space in a perpendicular column, even as the first quorum did at the beginning. When the first God’s firstborn son’s world had become celestial, another world was added to the bottom of the column which it had left. (The Spirit Prevails: Containing the Revelations, Articles and Letters Written by Joseph Morris, ed. George S. Dove [San Francisco: J. A. Dove and Co., Printers, 1886], 522-23)


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