Saturday, May 18, 2024

Note on Genesis 14:18 in the Peshitta

In the Peshitta of Gen 14:18, the text reads:


wmlkyzdq mlk shlym. ʾpq lḥmʾ wḥmrʾ. whw kwmrʾ hwʾ dʾlhʾ mrymʾ


What is interesting is that, in this verse, Melchizedek is called a kwmr', the Syriac cognate of Hebrew komer (כמר), not cohen (כהן).

 Further Reading:

The Use of כמר KMR at Elephantine and the Etymology of "Cumorah"

J. Glen Taylor on כֹּמֶר KMR

Hans Walter Wolf on כמר KMR