Wednesday, August 14, 2024

Excerpts from the American Fork City and Grantsville Schools of the Prophets


Prest L. E. Harrington spoke upon our duties as members of the school. When we come here do we come praying for the spirit of God, we should try to have the spirit of unity amongst us, we should not bring subjects up here that does not pertain to us. Vice Prest Evans proposed the following question, Can a man be exalted without celestial marriage and whether we must have one, two, or three wives, some say one some two &c. Bro Mulliner spoke upon the subject & told about Abraham, said Joseph Smith asked the Lord concerning it & the Lord told Joseph that if we were not thus married we would be damned.


Bro Evans asked whether it was not belonging to the marriage of this church instead of the gentile marriage. Several spoke upon the subject some had it that we can get exalted without more wives others that we cannot. (Record of Theological School American Fork City, March 16, 1869)




Pres. Wells spoke about the brethren making their mills especially those in Polygamy and thought that it was a matter that should be attended to, and then spoke about a great many of our young men abusing themselves by the habit of self—polution; or self-abuse, or as the Bible terms it Onanism and was satisfied that, that was one great cause why so many of our young men were not married. And it was a great sin, and would lead to sin insanity and a premature grave. And that it was the duty of every Bishop to see whether their was any one in their respective wards guilty of this degrading [a?] demoralizing habit. . . .


He [William Jeffries] then concluded his remarks by referring to Masturbation or self-abuse, and said that it was one of the most damning habits that any person could get into. . . . (Grantsville, Utah, School of the Prophets, September 11, 1871)


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