Wednesday, August 14, 2024

Excerpts from the Paris Ward, Bear Lake Stake, School of the Prophets



Prest. Rich urged the brethren to be punctual in their attendance to the school. The time would come when those who came late would not not get in. Reference to the organization of the school of the prophets in Josehp’s day in the year 1835. The object of this school was that we might understand doctrine alike for there has been great diversity in their teachings of the Elders. In this school we should all have the privilege of preaching and expressing our views subject to the correction of the President. Showed that advantages of these schools. In case difficulties could not be settled here we have the privilege of referring to the First Presidency.


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Prest. Rich made some remarks on our habits and appetites showing their gradual growth upon us through use and custom. Without wishing to be hard on the brethren he urged them to be determined to conform to the word of wisdom. In defining the term Prophet he said that those who was to that extent a prophet. (Paris Ward, Bear Lake Stake, School of the Prophets, July 3, 1869)



The revelation on Celestial Marriage was read by the clerk. Br. William Lindsay [Sen.?] asked the question whether if a man married a woman when she was past the age of bearing children if he cohabited with her did he commit adultery. Prest. Kimball answered in the negative. The question was then discussed whether a man who had but one wife could get as great a glory as one who had more some of the brethren affirming he would and others that he could not. Prest. Kimball read portions of discourses delivered by Prest. Heber C. Kimball and Brigham Young showing that Celestial Marriage was necessary for all who were to gain a Celestial Glory. (Paris Ward, Bear Lake Stake, School of the Prophets, February 5, 1870)



Elder Evan A. Williams wished the question discussed “Is Brigham Young a Prophet Seer and Revelator[“]. He affirmed he is but some had contradicted it.


The brethren who spoke maintained and testified to the authority of Prest. Young and thought no one would attempt to deny it or quibble about it unless they were disaffected in the faith.


Prest. Rich sustained the views of the brethren who had spoken and related some very interesting circumstances connected with his mission to California showing that when necessary we can all possess the spirit of Revelation sufficiently to know the will of God with regard to us or the people committed to our care. Prest. Rich spoke of the lack of confidence in our midst and thought they [sic] was no other remedy for it but by our being perfectly honest and thus laying a foundation for confidence. (Paris Ward, Bear Lake Stake, School of the Prophets, December 3, 1870)



The question was asked by one of the Brethren are Jesus Christ and Adam the same personage. Prest. Rich answered no and spoke in condemnation of many wild and extravagant notions entertained by some of the Saints more particularly in the early history of the Church.


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A Revelation was read by the Clerk given to the Prophet Joseph and Sidney Rigdon explaining the different glories to be obtained by the children of men and showed that men and women would receive that glory for which they lived and carried out the laws of whether Celestial, Terrestrial or Telestial.


Prest. Rich called a vote as to whether the brethren believed the revelation. The vote was unanimously affirmative. He then gave some excellent teachings on this subject showing we all have our responsibilities and duties both men and women and we can enjoy no glory unless we receive the principles and laws of the same and carry them out. (Paris Ward, Bear Lake Stake, School of the Prophets, April 29, 1871)


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