Friday, January 3, 2025

Lawrence R. Farley (EO) on Regeneration


We miss the richness of this concept of rebirth [spoken of in Titus 3:5], however, if we see it in strictly individualistic terms. There is a cosmic element in our regeneration. Christ referred to the age to come as the “rebirth” (Gk. paliggenesia) in Matthew 19:28, where it is sometimes translated as the “new world” (RSV). IN the coming age, the whole cosmos will share in Christ’s glory and will be reborn. Even now we Christians share in these powers of the age to come and experience this rebirth and glory. We are reborn (or “born again”) in that we experience even in this age the newness of the age to come. (Lawrence R. Farley, The Epistle to the Hebrews: High Priest in Heaven [The Orthodox Bible Study Companion Series; Chesterton, Ind.: Ancient Faith Publishing, 2013], 70, comments in square brackets added for clarification)



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