Friday, January 3, 2025

Melchizedek's Role as a "King" in the Melchizedek Scroll

In an attempt to critique the work of the late John A. Tvedtnes, Matthew Paulson wrote that:


Tvedtnes claims, “In Genesis 14:36 JST, Melchizedek is given the additional title ‘king of heaven,’ which corresponds to his role as heavenly priest in both 11QMelch and 2 Enoch.” . . . There is no “king of Heaven” in 11Qmelch. (Matthew A. Paulson, Breaking the Mormon Code: A Critique of Mormon Scholarship Regarding Classical Christian Theology and the Book of Mormon [Livermore, Calif.: WingSpan Press, 2006], 251)


While the phrase “king of heaven” does not appear in 11QMelch (AKA 11Q13), Tvedtnes did not claim such; instead, Melchizedek being a “king” fits his role as depicted in the Melchizedek Scroll. Note the following from the text (11Q13 Col. ii:9-14) which reworks Psa 82 with Melchizedek as being the chief figure, not God:


9 it is the time for the «year of grace» of Melchizedek, and of [his] arm[ies, the nat]ion of the holy ones of God, of the rule of judgment, as is written

10 about him in the songs of David, who said: Ps 82:1 «Elohim will [st]and in the assem[bly of God,] in the midst of the gods he judges». And about him he sai[d: Ps 7:8–9 «And] above [it,]

11 to the heights, return: God will judge the peoples». As for what he sa[id: Ps 82:2 «How long will you] judge unjustly and show partia[lity] to the wicked? [Se]lah

12 Its interpretation concerns Belial and the spirits of his lot, wh[o …] turn[ing aside] from the commandments of God to [commit evil.]

13 But, Melchizedek will carry out the vengeance of Go[d’s] judgments, [and on that day he will fr]e[e them from the hand of] Belial and from the hand of all the sp[irits of his lot.]

14 To his aid (shall come) all «the gods of [justice»; and h]e is the one w[ho …] all the sons of God, and … […] (Florentino García Martínez and Eibert J. C. Tigchelaar, The Dead Sea Scrolls Study Edition [Brill: 1997-1998], 1207-9)


This is just another example of Paulson’s sloppy “scholarship” in his work.



Further Reading:


Listing of articles responding to “Breaking the Mormon Code”



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