Sunday, January 5, 2025

S. H. Leeder on a Coptic Tradition From the Fourth Century Regarding the Efficacy of Proxy Baptism


There is a Coptic story of the fourth century (which might have come from a village to-day) illustrating not only the importance attached to baptism, but also the infinite hope these Eastern people have in the mercy of God. A certain man living remote from the world had a little daughter, who died before she could be baptized. Her father distributed among the poor the portion that came to her; and he never ceased to make entreaty to God on behalf of his daughter because she had departed without being baptized. As he prayed one day, he heard a voice, which said, "Have no sorrow; I have baptized thy daughter"; but he lacked faith. And the voice spake again, saying, "Uncover her grave, and thou wilt find she is no longer there." And he did so, and he found her not, for she had de- parted, and had been laid with the believers. (S. H. Leeder, Modern Sons of the Pharaoh: A Study of the Manners and Customs of the Copts of Egypt [London: Hodder and Stoughton, 1918], 101)


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