Monday, October 27, 2014

John Calvin on 1 Corinthians 4:6

In a previous post, I provided a brief exegesis of 1 Cor 4:6, showing that, contra Matt Slick et al., the verse does not “prove” sola scriptura. Interestingly, John Calvin, an ardent proponent of sola scriptura, did not interpret this verse as being a strong “proof-text” in favour of this doctrine. The following comes from his commentary on this verse from his multi-volume commentary on the Bible (taken from Bibleworks 9):

The clause above what is written may be explained in two ways—either as referring to Paul’s writings, or to the proofs from Scripture which he has brought forward. As this, however, is a matter of small moment, my readers may be left at liberty to take whichever they may prefer.