Saturday, January 3, 2015

Asa and 1 Kings 15:14

But the high places were not taken away. Nevertheless the heart of Asa was true to the Lord all his days. (1 Kgs 15:14 [NRSV])

This verse shows, as do the verses discussed here, that one can be seen as "right" and having a "perfect heart" (to borrow the KJV's verbiage) and *not* be sinlessly perfect. In the case of Asa, although the "high places" (places often associated with idolatrous worship) were not removed during his reign as king, his "heart" was perfect or "true" to Yahweh all his days. This is another refutation of the "all-or-nothing" hermeneutical lens Evangelicals approach both biblical and Latter-day Saint soteriology.