Monday, January 12, 2015

Off topic: Help the children of Syria and Iraq

My friend, Liam McDade, is currently working for a charity helping victims of ISIS and similar attacks in predominately Kurdish areas. He forwarded me this email, so if anyone wishes to donate to this important cause, feel free to.

Dear reader,

I'm sure you're all aware of the horrific situation that faces refugees in Syria, Turkey, Iraq and Kurdistan. Fortunately most of these regions can be reached by international aid organisations and the United Nations. However, there are sadly some exceptions to this.

The region of Rojava (Western Kurdistan, Syria) is a blackhole in terms of assistance for refugees. No aid reaches them except through Heyva Sor a Kurdistane (the Kurdish Red Crescent). Fortunately they are able to provide aid to Rojava and areas such as Sinjar through their network of aid workers in the region.

The charity is registered in the European Union and has branches in Germany and Austria. There were issues in regards to aid recently as Turkey has closed the border with the region, now all aid has to be smuggled through or provided through the Kurdistan Region of Iraq when possible.

The charity provides assistance for all refugees in these unreachable regions irregardless of religion or race and as the only opportunity for assistance in the region, they are play a vital role in preserving the lives of those who have escaped the threat of terrorist organisations.

They focus their aid in the following areas:

1 - Children's Projects
2 - Health Projects
3 - Emergency Aid

We are fund raising currently in an effort to help the people, especially children, of Rojava and Sinjar as they face a cold and harsh winter while surrounded by militants of the Islamic State (ISIS/ISIL). With no international focus except the Kurdish Red Crescent, hope is dimming for people and many will die as a result of this shameful neglect by the international community.

If you would like to donate please do so anonymously online at the link below:

Thank you so much for reading this email. If you're unable to donate, please share this message and raise awareness.