Saturday, January 24, 2015

Volcanism in Book of Mormon Lands and Mesoamerica

In 3 Nephi 8, there is a description of a great catastrophe in the Book of Mormon lands, one that matches volcanic activity (e.g., mists of darkness; terrible storms; whirlwinds; lightning and thunder; cities being destroyed by burning, being sunk into the ocean, or being covered with either earth or rising waters, etc).

Interestingly, there is strong evidence of such volcanic activity in Mesoamerica, the area most Book of Mormon scholars believe to be the lands of the Book of Mormon (on this, see, for e.g., John L. Sorenson, Mormon's Codex: An Ancient American Books [2013]) and in the right time (about 30 C.E.).

An important article on this issue would be: Benjamin R. Jordan, "Volcanic Destruction in the Book of Mormon: Possible Evidence from Ice Cores," in the Journal of Book of Mormon Studies 12/1 (2003): 78-87, 118-19, online here.

The abstract of the article reads:

Third Nephi 8 preserves a written account of a natural disaster at the time of Christ’s death that many assume to have been caused by volcanic activity. In a modernday science quest, the author examines research done on glacial ice cores from Greenland and Antarctica. Ice-core records can reveal volcanic gases and ashes that are carried throughout the world—the gases are detected by measuring the acidity of the ice at various layers. Many factors influence the findings and the proposed datings of the volcanic events. The ice-core records offer some evidence, though not conclusive, of a volcanic eruption around the time of Christ’s death

LDS apologist, Jeff Lindsay, offers a good summary this evidence provides for Book of Mormon historicity:

If the Book of Mormon is true, then we should expect to find evidence of significant volcanic activity (according to the description of events in 3 Nephi) around 33 A.D., and that activity should be in Mesoamerica (based on the best understanding of Book of Mormon geography, independent of any considerations of volcanism). So we have a simple test that cannot be obscured by the tragedy of destroyed written records or the complexities of archeological interpretation of a fragmentary and complex record. We can simply ask: was there volcanic activity in Mesoamerica around 33 A.D.? This is something that ought to be hard to miss if it occurred. And the answer is clear and irrefutable: yes, there was impressive volcanic activity in Mesoamerica dating to that time, activity of the kind that would fit the Book of Mormon account remarkably well. There is even a city that was partially buried by the huge lava flow from that event. Please look at the detailed evidence on this issue and ask how Joseph Smith, who knew nothing about volcanoes, could accurately describe the results of volcanic activity, and manage to have the date of the event later be confirmed by scientists in a land that corresponds with Book of Mormon lands? It will take a LOT of faith to ascribe this issue to luck.