Saturday, February 28, 2015

Reviews of "The Bible vs. the Book of Mormon"

Living Hope Ministires (now “Sourceflix”) produced a poorly-researched “documentary” entitled “The Bible vs. the Book of Mormon” (at least they are consistent about the quality of their research; got to give them that . . . [cf. their inane "The Bible vs. Joseph Smith").

There has been a couple scholarly LDS responses to this “documentary,” including reviews by Brant Gardner (an anthropologist specialising in Mesoamerica) and Dr. David Bokovoy (expert in the Ancient Near East and the Hebrew Bible). The reviews can be found online here:

Brant Gardner, "Behind the Mask, Behind the Curtain: Uncovering the Illusion."

David E Bokovoy, “The Bible vs. the Book of Mormon: Still Losing the Battle.”

FAIRLDS (now FairMormon) produced a DVD responding to the “documentary,” too, featuring leading LDS scholars (e.g., Daniel Peterson; John Tvedtnes; John Sorenson). An online version can be found here: