Friday, April 29, 2016

John Gee on Shulem in the Book of Abraham

LDS Egyptologist John Gee (PhD, Yale University) has an article entitled, "Shulem, One of the King's Principal Waiters" which provides more evidence for the antiquity and authenticity of the Book of Abraham. What adds to the signifiance of this is that this is one of the elements of the Book of Abraham once thought laughable and "proof" of its fraudulent nature. Here is the abtract:

 Shulem is mentioned once in the Book of Abraham. All we are told about him is his name and title. Using onomastics, the study of names, and the study of titles, we can find out more about Shulem than would at first appear. The form of Shulem’s name is attested only at two times: the time period of Abraham and the time period of the Joseph Smith papyri. (Shulem thus constitutes a Book of Abraham bullseye.) If Joseph Smith had gotten the name from his environment, the name would have been Shillem.