Thursday, April 14, 2016

The Egyptian Pantheon

My friend, Stephen Smoot (visit his blog!) posted this on an LDS facebook forum, and I am posting it here, "The Egyptian Pantheon." A lot of interesting material, especially for LDS with an interest in the Book of Abraham. Notice the following entry under "Four Sons of Horus":

 Four deities, Duamutef, Hapy, Imset, and Qebehsenuef, who watched over the viscera or the dead in the four canopic jars placed in the tomb. Each had his own cardinal point to guard, his own internal organ to protect, and was watched over by a specific goddess.

This definition is strikingly similar to Joseph Smith's interpretive comments about the four canopic jars in facsimile 1 where they are said to be idolatrous gods (figs. 5-8), and, in facsimile 2, are said to represent the four quarters of the earth (fig. 6). But hey, according to critics, the Book of Abraham is an obvious fraud perpetuated by Joseph Smith who got nothing right (they also tend to ignore the ancient textual evidence supporting the content of the Book of Abraham, among other things, too).