Saturday, July 16, 2016

James White's lack of logical thinking skills

In an attempt to show that Latter-day Saints have a "different" Jesus, White and Allred had the following exchange during their debate on Christology:

White: Would you agree with me that we do not believe the same Jesus?
Allred: No; I would say that we believe different things about Jesus Christ, but I would not, I would say that we do not believe the things you believe about him, the traditional Jesus, I would agree with that, I would agree with President Hinckley who said that.
White: So, if I said that Alma Allred is actually a 4 foot 7 Italian man with dark hair who can barely speak English, you would still say we are talking about the same person?

White confuses (probably deliberately to score points; he should know better) qualitative and quantitative differences. Take another example--his view of Mary, outlined in Mary: Another Redeemer? (1998) and the Roman Catholic dogmatic teaching on Mary. Quantitatively, they are the same Mary as they are, numerically, the same person. However, White's Reformed Mariology rejects (correctly) the perpetual virginity; immaculate conception; bodily assumption and queenly coronation of Mary--Rome teaches these as doctrines. However, for anyone to claim that the Catholic and non-Catholic/Eastern Orthodox believe in a quantitatively/numerically distinct "Mary" is fallacious--instead, there exists obvious qualitative differences.

The same applies to the topic of Latter-day Saints and Trinitarians having a "different" Jesus--numerically, there are one and the same; qualitatively, they differ.

The fact that White and others simply never address this point show that they are either deceptive and/or ignorant of basic logic.