Saturday, August 13, 2016

101 Bible Passages Inconsistent with the Trinity

Some critics are fond of listing many passages, without providing any meaningful exegesis, to support their contention that Latter-day Saint theology on teaching "x" is anti-biblical. To show how such an approach can be turned on their heads, the following is a listing from a Unitarian/anti-Trinitarian, "101 Bible Passages Inconsistent with the Trinity"; if our Evangelical opponents think simply listing verses with no exegesis is enough, then, if they were consistent (don’t worry, I am not deluded; I know they never area), they would have to abandon belief in this man-made dogma:

1. John 20:17
2. I John 4:12-14
3. John 1:18
4. John 14:12,28,31
5. John 16:32
6. John 17:1-3
7. John 5:30
8. John 3:35
9. Eph. 4:4-6
10. Matt. 26:39
11. Matt. 3:16-17
12. Ps. 110:1
13. Mark 12:32
14. Acts 10:38
15. I Thess. 1:9-10
16. Acts 2:22-24
17. Luke 18:19 / Mark 10:18 / Matt. 19:16
18. I Cor. 15:27-28
19. Mark 13:32
20. Acts 4:10
21. Rom. 5:10
22. I Tim. 2:5
23. Heb. 4:15
24. Jas. 1:13-14
25. Gal. 4:4
26. Job 14:1-4
27. I Cor. 8:4-6
28. Isa. 44:6,8
29. I Tim. 6:13
30. I Pet. 1:3
31. Eccl. 5:2
32. Matt. 6:9-13
33. Mark 16:19
34. John 7:16
35. Luke 2:52
36. Luke 5:7-10
37. Heb. 3:1-2
38. John 11:41
39. John 15:1-5,9-10
40. I Pet. 1:19-21
41. Heb. 2:6-9
42. Matt. 16:15-16
43. Acts 3:15,26 (note - most versions render verse 26 "God having raised up his Servant")
44. Acts 5:30-31
45. I Pet. 3:22
46. II Pet. 1:17
47. Mark 14:61-63
48. John 10:36
49. Heb. 1:9/Ps. 45:7
50. Heb. 2:14-18
51. Mark 9:37
52. Matt. 27:54 / Mark 15:39 / Luke 23:47
53. Matt. 21:33-39
54. Job 25:4-6
55. Mal. 2:10
56. John 5:30-31
57. Jas. 3:9
58. I Cor. 6:14
59. Eph. 4:32
60. Eph. 5:2
61. I Cor. 11:3
62. Acts 2:32-33,36
63. Matt. 28:18
64. Luke 12:10
65. Num. 23:19
66. II Thess. 2:16-17
67. I Tim. 1:2
68. John 8:40-42
69. Mark 4:38
70. Jas. 2:19
71. Heb. 9:12-14
72. I Thess. 3:11-13
73. Rom. 15:6
74. Eph. 5:20
75. II John 7
76. Ps. 113:4-6
77. Ps. 115:3
78. II Cor. 5:14-19
79. I Pet. 2:21-25
80. II Sam. 7:14
81. Eph. 2:15-16
82. Heb. 7:27
83. Heb. 8:3
84. Heb. 12:2
85. John 3:6
86. Luke 22:28
87. Ps. 51:5
88. Matt. 27:46
89. Matt. 11:25-27
90. Rom. 1:3-4,7
91. Rom. 1:23
92. John 4:10,25-26
93. Deut. 18:18
94. John 6:29,38
95. John 11:27
96. John 13:3
97. John 20:31
98. Acts 7:56
99. Acts 8:37
100. Luke 1:35
101. I Cor. 3:23