Wednesday, August 3, 2016

James Spencer of Through the Maze Ministry

I just found out that James "Jim" Spencer passed away. For those who do not know, Spencer ran an anti-Mormon organisation called "Through the Maze," and authored a couple of books and booklets on "Mormonism," including

Beyond Mormonism and Have you Witnessed to a Mormon Lately? both of which were reviewed, and soundly refuted, by Kerry A. Shirts in Have you Witnessed to Jim Spencer Lately?

"The Disappointment of B.H. Roberts: Five Questions That Forced a Mormon General Authority to Abandon the Book of Mormon"
Reviewed (and again, soundly refuted) by Daniel C. Peterson, "Yet More Abuse of B.H. Roberts"

What is most disappointing about Spencer's death is that he died and went to hell because he, like Walter Martin, Jerald Tanner, and others before him, was an unrepentant liar to the day of his death (Prov 6:16-19; Rev 21:8, 24-27; 22:14-15). Sadly, this will be the fate of all anti-Mormons unless they repent.