Monday, October 24, 2016

Jack Chick has died

Jack T. Chick, the infamous Evangelical Protestant comic book artist who even the "Christian" "Research" Institute (CRI) critiqued as being inaccurate(!) died yesterday at the age of 92.

What is truly sad is that he died an unrepentant liar and is in the hell he condemned countless others to (cf. Rev 21:8). At least he has company--Marian and Jerry Bodine, Jerald Tanner, Walter Martin, and others.

Sadly, many others will be joining him in hell then they die, too, unless they repentant (e.g., Sandra Tanner; John Ankerberg; Robert Bowman; James White). We should pray for these individuals that God will be merciful to them, even if they are our theological enemies.

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