Monday, October 31, 2016

Trinitarian Apologist teaching Modalism

I just came across this meme from the Zondervan twitter account:

The theology of this meme is actually not Trinitarian, but Modalism.

There is no God but one, and He is Father, Spirit, and Son.

Notice the use of a singular person pronoun; "God" is actually a "He" notwithstanding being "Father, Spirit, and Son." Continuing, it reads:

There is no God but one, and He is Jesus.

So, "Jesus" exhausts the category of "God." But from above, one reads that "God" is "Father, Spirit, and Son." If Jesus = God, ergo, Jesus = Father, Spirit, and Son (a "He").

This meme, instead of teaching (Creedal/Latin) Trinitarianism, where there is (albeit, an ambiguous) distinction between the "persons" of the Father, Son, and Spirit, teaches Modalism. I am surprised that Zondervan would not "catch" this, but it does show that defenders of the Trinity inevitable end up teaching heresy due to the unbiblical and illogical nature of the doctrine.

This video from Lutheran Satire is rather รก propos:

Thank God for the Restoration of the Gospel of Jesus Christ through the prophet Joseph Smith; as Latter-day Saints, we possess the true, biblical Jesus. I do hope and pray that Trinitarians, even our critics, will come to know the true Gospel which is possessed by The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (cf. D&C 1:30).

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