Sunday, November 20, 2016

George Haydock on baptism being by immersion in Romans 6

The following comes from a popular 19th century pro-Roman Catholic commentary on the Bible by George Haydock. On Rom 6, he admits that the apostle Paul taught water baptism to be done by immersion without any hint whatsoever of any other modes of baptism:

Ver. 3. &c. We … are baptized in his death. Greek, unto his death. The apostle here alludes to the manner of administering the sacrament of baptism, which was then done by immersion or by plunging the person baptized under the water, in which he finds a resemblance of Christ’s death and burial under ground, and of his resurrection to an immortal life. So must we after baptism rise to lead a quite different life: having been also, when we were baptized and made Christians, planted as branches ingrafted in Christ, let us endeavour to bring forth the fruits of a virtuous life

Haydock, G. L. (1859). Haydock’s Catholic Bible Commentary (Ro 6:3). New York: Edward Dunigan and Brother.