Friday, November 11, 2016

Lee Baker Refuses to Honour His $1,000 Promise

Earlier this year, Lee Baker, a former Latter-day Saint, posted four questions he presented as being unanswerable by Latter-day Saints and offered $1,000.00 to anyone who could cogently answer his questions (see here for his questions and this facebook post offering the money). Back in August, I responded in detail to his rather criticisms and to this date, notwithstanding being familiar with my responses (see Answering Lee Baker's "Challenging Questions"), he has refused to interact with anything I have written against his arguments and he still has to pay me the money he offered.

I am now calling on Baker to do the following:

1.     Pay the money that you owe me for refuting your questions or
2.     Respond in detail to my responses.

Lee, you can make the donation of $1,000.00 (approx. € 920.00) here.

As an aside, Baker today blocked me on facebook (notwithstanding that we have had no one-on-one interaction on facebook) after a number of Latter-day Saints told him to show some integrity and pay me as he promised.