Tuesday, January 3, 2017

Critical and anti-LDS works in my personal library

Opponents of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints often claim that Latter-day Saints are "forbidden" from reading works that are either critical of the Church if not downright anti-Mormon in nature. Such is false. The following is a listing of the books I personally have in my own library as of writing that would fall under the label of "critical" and/or "anti-Mormon":

1.               Mormonism: Shadow or Reality? (5th ed.)

2.               Answering Mormon Scholars vol 1

3.               Answering Mormon Scholars vol 2

4.               The Case Against Mormonism vol 1

5.               The Case Against Mormonism vol 2

6.               The Changing World of Mormonism

7.               Mormon Scriptures and the Bible

8.               Major Problems of Mormonism

9.               Joseph Smith's Plagiarism of the Bible

10.            Covering up the Black Hole in the Book of Mormon

11.            The Counterfeit Gospel of Mormonism

12.            Mormonism Unmasked

13.            Rose Publications Mormonism Tract (McKeever and Bowman)

14.            Rose Publications Cults Tract

15.            Mormonism 101 (1st ed.)

16.            Mormonism 101 (2nd ed.)

17.            Answering Mormons' Questions (1st ed.)

18.            Answering Mormons' Questions (2nd ed.)

19.            Questions to Ask Your Mormon Friend

20.            Reasoning from the Scriptures with the Mormons

21.            The 10 Most Important Things you Can Say to a Mormon

22.            Everything you Ever Wanted to Know about Mormonism

23.            Behind the Mask of Mormonism

24.            The Facts on the Mormon Church (2nd ed)

25.            The Facts on the Mormon Church (3rd ed)

26.            Fast Facts on Mormonism

27.            What Mormons Really Believe

28.            Burroughs and Ankerberg's book on Cults

29.            Cults and the Occult

30.            Becoming Gods: A Closer Look at 21st Century Mormonism

31.            One Nation Under Gods

32.            The God Makers (revised ed.)

33.            The Mormon Mirage (4th ed.)

34.            Mormonism (Van Gordon)

35.            The New Mormon Challenge

36.            Understanding the Book of Mormon

37.            Understanding Your Mormon Neighbor

38.            Speaking the Truth in Love to Mormons (rev ed.)

39.            Mormonism: The Prophet, the Book, and the Cult

40.            Latter Day Saints: A Christian Perspective on Mormonism

41.            Mormonism (Akin)

42.            Inside Mormonism

43.            Don't Close the Door

44.            Open the Door

45.            Behind the Veil: Mormonism

46.            Mormonism: A Gold Plated Religion (1st ed. 1997)

47.            Mormonism: A Gold Plated Religion (2nd ed. 2008)

48.            Out of Mormonism

49.            Answers to Mormon Claims

50.            The Golden Bible, or, the Book of Mormon: Is it from God?

51.            Why Egyptologists Reject the Book of Abraham

52.            Marquardt, Book of Abraham Papyrus Found

53.            Inventing Mormonism

54.            New Approaches to the Book of Mormon: Explorations in Critical Methodologies

55.            American Apocrypha: Essays on the Book of Mormon

56.            Quest for the Gold Plates

57.            Joseph Smith: The Making of a Prophet

58.            No Man Knows my History (rev. ed)

59.            Nauvoo Polygamy

60.            Mormon Polygamy (rev ed.)

61.            The Creation of the Book of Mormon: A Historical Inquiry

62.            The Mormon Defenders: How Latter-day Saint Apologists Misinterpret the Bible

63.            Strangers at your Door

64.            For Any Latter-day Saint: One Investigator's Unanswered Questions

65.            Mormons (Berry)

66.            By His Own Hand Upon Papyrus (rev ed)

67.            Joseph Smith and the Origins of the Book of Mormon (2d ed)

68.            Presuppositional Apologetics Examines Mormonism

69.            The Mormon Missionaries

70.            The Mormon Illusion

71.            The Mormon Delusion vol 1

72.            The Mormon Delusion vol 2

73.            The Mormon Delusion vol 3

74.            The Mormon Delusion vol 4

75.            The Mormon Delusion vol. 5

76.            Letters to a Mormon Elder

77.            Is the Mormon My Brother?

78.            Is the Mormon My Brother? (2d ed.)

79.            The Gospel According to Joseph Smith

80.            Who Really Wrote the Book of Mormon? (2d ed)

81.            Mormonism Unveiled

82.            American Massacre

83.            Blood of the Prophets: Brigham Young and the Mountain Meadows Massacre

84.            Larson's book on cults

85.            The Word of God: Essays on Mormon Scripture

86.            Digging in Cumorah

87.            The Mysteries of Godliness

88.            Mormon Murders

89.            A Gathering of the Saints

90.            Deception by Design

91.            Farewell to Eden

92.            Leaving the Saints

93.            The Keystone of Mormonism

94.            Under the Banner of Heaven

95.            Insider's View on Mormon Origins

96.            Losing a Lost Tribe

97.            Mormon America

98.            Breaking the Mormon Code

99.            Born-Again Mormon

100.         Mormonism: A Friendly Discussion

101.         Shattered Dreams

102.         Mormons Answered Verse by Verse

103.         Cult Insanity

104.         God's Brothel

105.         Kingdom of the Cults (Ravi Zecharias ed)

106.         The Maze of Mormonisn (2d ed.)

107.         Wife no. 19

108.         Beyond Mormonism

109.         Early Mormonism and the Magic World View (rev ed)

110.         The Mormon Hierarchy vol 1

111.         The Mormon Hierarchy vol 2

112.         Joseph Smith: Mormon Prophet or Loss?

113.         The Mormons (O'Dea)

114.         The Make Believe Martyr

115.         The 1838 Mormon War in Missouri

116.         Cultures in Conflict: A Documentary History of the Mormon War in Illinois

117.         Inside the Mormon Mind

118.         The Sword of Laban

119.         Inside the Mind of Joseph Smith

120.         Devil's Gate

121.         When Men Become Gods

122.         The Refiner's Fire

123.         Brigham's Destroying Angel

124.         Having Visions: The Book of Mormon

125.         Answering Mormons at your doorstep

126.         History of the Saints (John Cook Bennet)

127.         Approaching Mormons in Love

128.         In Sacred Loneliness: The Plural Wives of Joseph Smith

129.         Solemn Covenant: The Mormon Polygamous Passage

130.         Doing the Works of Abraham

131.         Studies in the Book of Mormon (*)

132.         Secrets and Wives: The Hidden World of Mormon Polygamy

133.         Deconstructing Mormonism: An analysis and assessment of the Mormon faith

134.         Witte, Where Does it Say That?

135.         God's Word: Final, Infallible, Forever

136.         How to Respond: Latter-day Saints

137.         Is Mormonism Now Christian?

138.         Inside Today's Mormonism

139.         Unlocking the Great Mormon Mystery

140.         Chronology of Book of Mormon Records

141.         Where Mormonism Meets Biblical Christianity

142.         Mormons, Masons and Templars: The Revised History Using DNA

143.         Illegitimate: How God Rescued a Son of Polygamy

144.         What Every Mormon (and Non-Mormon) Should Know (Rev Ed.)

145.         The Mormonizing of America

146.         The Use of the Old Testament in the Book of Mormon

147.         What Mormons Believe (Bowman)

148.         An Analysis of the Names of Mormonism

149.         Pocket Guide to Sects and New World Religions

150.         The Four Gospels According to Joseph Smith

151.         The Myth of Mormon Inspiration

152.         Mormonism and Inspiration

153.         Revelation in Mormonism

154.         The Angel and Sorcerer

155.         The Book of Mormon: Book of Lies

156.         I Love Mormons

157.         Is Polygamy Biblical?

158.         When Salt Lake City Calls

159.         Is Mormonism Christian?

160.         American Muhammad

161.         Hearts Made Glad by Lemar Petersen

162.         Whitmer, An Address to All Believers in Christ

163.         Under the Prophet in Utah

164.         Bales, Apostles or Apostates?

165.         Shook, The True Origin of Mormon Polygamy

166.         Joseph Smith's New York Reputation Reexamined

167.         Mormon Crisis: Anatomy of a Failing Religion

168.         Fitzgerald, The Complete Heretics Guide to Western Religion: The Mormons

169.         Wunderli, An Imperfect Book

170.         Price, Latter-day Scripture

171.         Morey, How to Answer a Mormon

172.         The Rise of Mormonism: 1816-1844

173.         The Rise of Mormonism (Rev ed.)

174.         Joseph Smith Revelations: Text and Commentary

175.         Joseph Smith's 1828-1843 revelations

176.         Ritner, Joseph Smith Papyri

177.         Wyl, Mormon Portraits: Joseph Smith

178.         Wilder, Unveiling Grace

179.         Cornforth, Meeting the Mormon Challenge with Love

180.         Snuffer, Passing the Heavenly Gift

181.         Nelson, The Joseph Smith Papyri

182.         Sanders, Heresies: Ancient and Modern

183.         Hartman, Joseph Smith's Tritheism

184.         John Quincy Adams on Mormon origins

185.         Caswell, The Prophet of the 19th century

186.         The Gospel of Grace for Mormons

187.         Stenhouse, Exposé of Polygamy in Utah

188.         Brinkerhoff (Christadelphian), Mormonism

189.         Ron Able, Wrested Scriptures

190.         New World Religions Today

191.         American Crucifixion

192.         Williams, Bible-Only Christianity: Shadow or Reality?

193.         Biblical versus Mormon Forgiveness

194.         What to expect when you are excommunicated

195.         Widdowson, The Probability of Mormonism as Divine

196.         Tucker, Origin, Rise, and Progress of Mormonism

197.         Goforth, Behind the Veil

198.         Thompson, Witness to Mormons

199.         Vogel, ed. Mormonism Unvailed

200.         Tucker, Another Gospel

201.         Four Major Cults

202.         Mormonism and the Bible

203.         An American Fraud

204.         Russel J. Thomsen, Latter-day Saints and the Sabbath

205.         Ahmanson, Secret History (trans. Gleason Archer)

206.         Quinn, Same-sex dynamics

207.         John Gerstner, The Theology of the Major Sects

208.         Crane, Ashamed of Joseph: Mormon foundations Crumble

209.         Ballard, Why Not Mormonism?

210.         Harry Ropp, Is Mormonism Christian?

211.         Secret Combinations: Evidence of Early Mormon Counterfeiting 1800-1847

212.         Decker’s Complete Handbook on Mormonism

213.         Doctrine and Dogmas of Brighamism

214.         Cumorah Revisited

215.         John M. Oakes, Mormonism: What Does the Evidence and Testimony Reveal?

216.         Deborah Laake, Secret Ceremonies

217.         Thelma Geer, Mormonism, Mama, and Me

218.         Kettler, The Religion that Started in a Hat

219.         Bennett, When Mormons Call

220.         Ankerberg’s Enclycopedia of Cults

221.         Grant Palmer on LDS Christology

222.         Pillars of Mormonism

223.         Leaving Mormonism

224.         Whalen, The Latter-day Saints in the Modern World

225.         Taves, This is the Place: Brigham Young and the New Zion

226.         Idem, Trouble Enough: Joseph Smith and the Book of Mormon

227.         John A. Clark, Gleanings by the Way

228.         The Mormon Corporate Empire

229.         Turner, The Mormon Establishment

230.         Gonzales, The Wide Divide

231.         McDowell and Johnson, Sharing the Good News

232.         Eccel, Mormon Genesis

233.         Ropp, Are the Mormon Scriptures Reliable?

234.         Peter Early, Prophet of Death

235.         Kerns, Saints of Zion

236.         The Spalding Enigma (scholars edition) (Kindle)

237.         The Spalding Enigma (print edition [abridged ed of scholars edition)

238.         Thank you for the Book of Mormon

239.         William Earl La Rue, The Foundations of Mormonism

240.         Gabriel Hughes, 40 Mormon Beliefs and what the Bible Says

241.         Nonbeliever’s Guide to the Book of Mormon

242.         Bill Grover, The One Natured Jesus of Meandering Mormonism

243.         Stenhouse and Wyl, Rocky Mountain Saints

244.         Reed and Farkas, How to rescue your loved one from Mormonism

245.         Darlington, Misguided by Mormonism

246.         G.T. Harrison, Mormonism: Now and Then

247.         Taylder, The Mormons’ Own Book

248.         The Inside of Mormonism: A Judicial Examination of Endowment Oaths Administered in All the Mormon Temples

249.         Vogel, Indian Origins and the Book of Mormon

250.         Caswell, City of the Mormons

251.         Brockman, Out of Zion

252.         Fatal Flaws in the Most Correct Book

253.         Derengowski, Muhammad and Joseph Smith, Jr.: Spirit-Born Brothers

254.         Answering the Cultist at your Door

255.         Chaos of Cults

256.         Cowan, What Every Mormon Should Ask

257.         Hugh Pyle, Truth about Mormonism

258.         Carlson, Ins and Outs of Mormonism

259.         Davies, Truth Under Attack

260.         Bowman, Jesus' Resurrection and Joseph's Visions

261.         Morin and Morin, Suddenly Strangers

262.         Taylor, Tale of Two Cities

263.         In Mormon Circles

264.         Sharing Jesus with the Cults

265.         R.N. Baskin, Reminiscences of Early Utah

266.         Flournoy, Falling into Grace

267.         Wadsworth, God is Greater than you think

268.         Hancock, Mormonism Exposed

269.         Tyler Parsons, Mormon Fanaticism Exposed

270.         E. Al Roberts, Disparity in Doctrine

271.         R.C. Evans, Forty Years in the Mormon Church

272.         Stengler and Stengler, Cult Shock

273.         Harris and Bringhurst, eds. The LDS Gospel Topics Series: A Scholarly Engagement

I have not included Studies in the Book of Mormon as Roberts was acting as “devil’s advocate.”

So, 215 books (216 if you count the Roberts volume) in my personal library (my personal library would probably near 6,000 print volumes as of writing). So much for the claim that "Mormons" are afraid of reading such "literature."