Tuesday, January 24, 2017

James White engaging in damage control

After his defeat at the hands of Catholic apologist on the topic of the perseverance of the saints, Trent Horn, James White is engaging in damage control with a video attempting to rehabilitate himself with this new video:

To understand how poorly the debate went, Sam Shamoun, who agrees with White on the perseverance of the saints wrote the following:

After hearing the debate between White and Trent Horn, I must say that Horn decisively won this debate. If I were to score it then it would be Horn-7 and White-3. There were times when Horn seemed a little confused and discombobulated, specifically during the first cross-examination. However, Horn put a lot of pressure on White and seemed to unnerve him since at least twice White took a swipe at Horn, with Horn nailing him for it the first time he did so.

FYI, I take White's position on this issue but have to be honest enough to say that I thought Horn did a better job than White did. This only goes to show that debates can be productive, but can also be quite unproductive, especially when dealing with such an in-depth topic. (source)

 White's poor exegetical skills really helps us understand why so many of his friends, such as Jeff Durbin, are incapable of engaging in exegesis, too.