Saturday, January 28, 2017

Melito of Sardis and Psalm 110:3

I have discussed the textual differences between Psa 110:3 in the Masoretic Hebrew text and the Septuagint (LXX: 109:3). My friend, Errol Amey, made me aware of a rather interesting translation of the verse by Melito of Sardis:

“'The womb of the Lord'—the hidden recess of Deity out of which He brought forth His Son. In the Psalm: ‘Out of the womb, before Lucifer, have I borne Thee.’ [Psalms 110:3]”
(Melito, ca. 165, 'Fragments' 9, in 'Ante-Nicene Fathers' 8:761)

Such would implicitly support the concept that Jesus is the spiritual brother of Satan (as with all of us); see my article The "Mormon Jesus" being a "Spirit Brother" of Satan--what the Bible really says.