Monday, January 9, 2017

Request for articles on Mesoamerican Metallurgy

Just thought I would try my luck here; I am trying to track down a copy (.pdf or otherwise) of the following articles as John L. Sorenson references them in his book, Mormon's Codex: An Ancient American Book (2013) on the topic of pre-Classical Mesoamerican metallurgy and its relationship to the material culture of the Book of Mormon. If anyone has any of them, feel free to forward them to my email address (irishlds87atgmaildotcom)

Clair C. Patterson, "Native Copper, Silver, and Gold Accessible to Early Metallurgists," American Antiquity 36 (1971) upate: received!

Robert E. Longacre and RenĂ© Millon, "Proto-Mixtecan and Proto-Amuzgo-Mixtecan Vocabularies:  Preliminary Cultural Analysis," Anthropological Linguistics 3/4(1961) upate: received!

Lyle Campbell and Terrence Kaufman, "A Linguist Look at the Olmecs," American Antiquity 41 (1976) upate: received!

Dudley T. Easby Jr., "Early Metallurgy in the New world," Scientific American 214/4 (1966) upate: received!

Also (on an unrelated issue [this time, Old World languages in the New World]):

Mary L. Foster, “The Transoceanic Trail: The Proto-Pelagian Language Phylum,” Pre-Columbiana 1/1–2 (1998): 88–113