Sunday, February 26, 2017

On the use of "liberal" sources

A Calvinist, Fred Anson has recently taken it upon himself to try to undermine my blog. Here is one gem from his underwhelming “arguments”

One of the many things that Bobby Boylan does the under mines his credibility and makes it hard to take him seriously are his chronic Appeal to Authority Fallacies and abuse and his Data Mining of sources.
So he found some Liberal Catholic Theologians to cite. So what? Does he REALLY think that his Catholic sources would approve of how he uses their words to support Latter-day Saint theology?
I rather doubt it.

In response to this doozy of an argument, a friend wrote the following which is spot-on:

What's more hypocritical is how Fred would not ever use this kind of poor argument against his buddy, Rob Bowman when he appeals to Rabbinical sources for his articles. Am I to understand that Fred thinks that the Rabbis that Bowman quotes are in complete agreement with and support the conclusions of [Bowman] and his Reformed Protestant teachings?

Of course, Anson has to engage in such tactics as his newfound "buddy," ex-LDS Michael Flournoy, has been contributing articles to his blog. To see how way out in left field Flournoy and his exegetical abilities are, see, for instance:

Trading one's inheritance for a bowl of pottage/damnable false gospel

Christ's baptism is NOT imputed to the believer

Response to Michael Flournoy

Michael Flournoy's ignorance of Hebrews and the Eucharist

In order to try to save Michael's credibility and embarrassingly lack of exegetical abilities, Anson has to engage in such underwhelming and pathetic "arguments." It also shows an utter lack of intellectual integrity and honesty--par for the course based on what I have been told about Anson by others who had to deal with his antics over the years.