Monday, May 1, 2017

Michael Heiser - Responding to Matt Slick about the Divine Council

A youtube video has just been put up featuring a series of misinformed comments from Matt Slick, and as a scholarly contrast, the Divine Council 101 series by Michael S. Heiser:

Further Reading

In the FARMS Review 19/1 (2007): 221-323 there was a scholarly exchange between Drs. Michael S. Heiser and David E. Bokovoy on the Divine Council and Latter-day Saint theology:

Michael S. Heiser, You’ve Seen One Elohim, You’ve Seen Them All? A Critique of Mormonism’s Use of Psalm 82

David E. Bokovoy, "Ye Reall Are Gods": A Response to Michel Heiser concerning the LDS Use of Psalm 82 and the Gospel of John

Michael S. Heiser, Israel’s Divine Council, Mormonism, and Evangelicalism: Clarifying the Issues and Directions for Future Study