Friday, May 12, 2017

Protestant Apologist admits that the Bible may not contain every inspired book

Protestant apologist John Oakes wrote the following in an online article (emphasis added):

That is a good question. Actually, it is difficult to establish with absolute certainty whether [the Wisdom of Solomon] is in fact inspired. It is not a requirement that every inspired book ever written be included in the Bible. I assume that Paul and other apostles wrote other inspired material. In the end, by faith, I trust God’s wisdom and his sovereign will to determine what ended up in the accepted Christian scripture. Might part or even all of Ecclesiasticus or Wisdom be inspired? Perhaps. The Apocrypha are of varying quality.

This should be a shocking confession from a Protestant—in spite of the great importance of the formal sufficiency of the Bible as well as sola and tota scriptura, Oakes readily admits that he has no real assurance that the Bible contains all of God-inspired revelation(!) Such is a violation of the concept that the Bible is formally sufficient as well as tota scriptura, showing that Protestantism’s claims to authority are nothing short of a shell game.

To see the overwhelming biblical evidence against Sola Scriptura, see: