Sunday, June 4, 2017

The Marian Doctrines Debate (Williams vs. White)

I just listened to the debate between Peter D. Williams and James R. White on the Marian Doctrines; the exact proposition of the debate was:

"Do the Catholic Church's Teachings on Mary Constitute Authentic Christian Doctrine?"

This is one of the few areas where White and I are in agreement (e.g., see my response to Tim Staples on the Immaculate Conception or the powerpoints of my fireside from January 2017 on Mariology from a Latter-day Saint perspective). I will note that White did a lousy job, as always, defending sola scriptura. See my lengthy paper, Not by Scripture Alone: A Latter-day Saint Critique of Sola Scriptura. However, one has to give Williams credit--he is one of only a few Catholic apologists who are willing to debate the Marian doctrines (Robert Sungenis being another), and he presented one of the best cases for Catholic Mariology I have heard in a debate setting.

One can find the mp3 of the debate here.