Tuesday, July 11, 2017

Karlo Broussard's ignorance about Mormon Christology

In a recent Catholic Answers video, "Jesus: Emmanuel or Mere Prophet?" Karl Broussard stated that, in LDS theology, "[Jesus in LDS Christology is] not uncreated but sort of a perfect creation of God" (beginning at the 3:44 mark) stating it is similar to the early Arian heresy. Such only shows that Broussard is either lying and/or grossly ignorant of Latter-day Saint Christology and should not comment on it. Latter-day Saint Christology is not Arian nor do we believe that Jesus is a "creation."

I addressed this issue in some detail in a previous post:

Is Latter-day Saint Christology "Arian"?

Of course, this is not the first time, and sadly it won't be the last time, Catholic Answers have misrepresented Latter-day Saint theology and other topics. For a lengthy review of another Catholic Answers' apologist, Trent Horn, and his book 20 Reasons: Mormonism, see my review:

Answering Trent Horn on "Mormonism" (cf. Trent Horn on Book of Mormon "swords")

In 1999, Catholic Answers released two volumes by Isaiah Bennett, Inside Mormonism: What Mormons Really Believe and When Mormons Call: Answering Mormon Missionaries at your Door. They were both soundly refuted by Dr. Barry Bickmore:

A Passion for Faultfinding: The Deconversion of a Former Catholic Priest

Of course, it is not just "Mormonism" that Catholic Answers shows that they lack any exegetical and scholarly bone in their body; even when they defend Roman Catholicism, their penchant for eisegesis of the Bible and even the Patristics comes to light upon careful examination. See, for instance, my article:

Answering Tim Staples on Patristic Mariology and the Immaculate Conception

Of course, the target audience of Broussard et al. are not informed Latter-day Saints (they must know they would not be able to debate an informed Latter-day Saint [e.g., myself; Blake Ostler; Daniel Peterson]) but instead, they are engaging in "boundary control"--scaring off gullible Catholics from looking into The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.