Friday, September 29, 2017

William Hamblin, Reformed Egyptian

Patrick Hussey is a former Latter-day Saint in the Republic of Ireland. I previously refuted him on the etymology of the name "Mormon" in the following article:

In an email he sent me not too long ago, full of typical nonsense one expects from him from those who unfortunately know him expect of him, he wrote the following about "reformed Egyptian" (I have cleaned up the crass language he used):

I do not accept Joseph Smiths explanation. it is not provable either way anyway because 'Reformed Egyptian is a b***s*** makey-uppy language. This kind of thing suits you though.. you can argue on til the cows come home with all your academic waffle

I reproduce this to "plug" the seminal article on "reformed Egyptian" by my friend, Dr. William J. Hamblin:

For more, see, for example, my blog post: