Wednesday, October 4, 2017

James White vs. the Bible on an ordained, ministerial Priesthood in the New Covenant

In a recent episode of his podcast, The Dividing Line, James White attempted to interact with, and refute, evidence in favour of an ordained, ministerial priesthood against a Roman Catholic apologist:

(White's arguments begin at the 5:40 mark)

While I am not a Roman Catholic (see, for instance, my responses to Robert Sungenis, Not by Bread Alone and Tim Staples on the Immaculate Conception), the existence of an ordained, ministerial priesthood in the New Covenant is something Latter-day Saints hold to, too. Further, he did make a few pot shots against the LDS understanding of the priesthood.

For a listing of articles I have written, see:

The LDS Priesthoods: Resource Page

I recently discussed some of the biblical basis for this doctrine in a recent presentation which is on youtube:

The Biblical Foundations for an Ordained, Ministerial New Covenant Priesthood (one can download the slides here)