Tuesday, October 31, 2017

Personal Post: Looking for Employment!

More of a personal than "apologetics" post, but I am hoping that something fruitful comes from this.

As some know, while my educational background largely was in theology and anthropology, work-wise, I was involved in clerical/medical accountancy-related areas. I took some time off to get some qualifications in such fields to add to the C.V. While I did well in my first year exams, due to the very large failure rate in Law and Ethics (don't look at me, I got 80% in it), 2nd year of my course was postponed and I am back on the job market. I would prefer to go back to full-time employment, though I might do some more courses part-time, but will have to see.

So, here is the rub: I want/need a good, secure, full-time job

I am posting this "SOS" of sorts, employment-wise, in  case any readers of this blog can help. I am hoping to secure a clerical-related job, or anything that might suit me and my work/educational background, in Ireland, the UK, or even (if the company is willing to put up with the red tape and other issues involved in getting me over there), the USA (yes, even Utah!). If I have to be trained to learn/do new tasks, I am fine--I am intelligent and have a proven track record of learning new concepts rather easily and in good time.

Apart from holding degrees in theology and anthropology (Pontifical University of Ireland and the National University of Ireland, Maynooth, respectively), I have four years experience in the realm of medical accountancy and billing. Three of those years was in the private sphere I worked as the billing and reimbursement specialist wherein I was responsible for, among other duties:

Reconciliation of payments from various insurance companies (e.g., VHI; Laya; Aviva)
Liaising with patient accounts and insurance companies to expedite payment to clients.
Generation of accounts.
Taking phone calls on various issues, and handling queries in an informative, helpful, and courteous manner.
On a daily basis, work on projects that require a competent grasp of programs such as Word and Excel.
Problem-solving skills were used on a regular basis (e.g., investigating the reason[s] why claims remain unpaid or part-paid by insurance companies; investigating medical information for pertinent information).
Cash-handling and bank duties.

For a year, I worked with the patient accounts department of Cork University Hospital (part of the Health Service Executive Ireland). This included:

Helping the CUH and HSE resolve their backlog of returned insurance claims.

Assess the relevant steps to take to ensure that all outstanding accounts were both actioned properly and, ultimately, paid by the various instance companies.

In addition, on an ad hoc basis:

I helped with the day-to-day duties of the office, including the generation of medical reports that support a patient's length of stay in the hospital.

Engage in quality assurance by checking accounts and all supporting documentation before they were sent to the instance companies, thus assuring that all relevant documents were accurate and contained all relevant information required.

Answer phone calls and taking payments from self-paying patients.

I have very strong analytical skills, can pick up new systems well, and have experience in Word, Excel, and other packages, including course work in SAGE and some other computerised payroll systems.

Between 2007-2009, I also tutored Old Testament studies for undergraduate students in Maynooth.

In terms of post-university qualifications, among others, I hold a FETAC Level 5 Major Award in Computer Applications and Office Skills and completed (with honours) 1st year of the Accounting Technicians of Ireland (subjects: taxation; financial accountancy; business management; law and ethics).

If anyone wishes to make contact for further details, etc, drop me a line at robert.s.boylanATgmailDOTcom