Sunday, December 17, 2017

Another example of the dangers of an incorrect view of the Eucharist and Mary

The following purported revelation from Mary, recorded by the Marian Movement of Priests and dated April 10, 1978, highlights why it is essential to have (1) a proper Mariology and (2) proper understanding of the Lord’s Supper, and the theological dangers of being incorrect on either (or both) of these important doctrines:

His blood and yours

Today his blood can again purify the world. His blood and yours, my beloved sons! Because through you Jesus truly lives again; with you He renews His sacrifice of the eternal covenant; in you He immolates himself again each day, as victim and Priest, altar and offering. By his blood and yours the Church will be purified; by his blood and yours the whole world will be renewed. Do not be afraid if today I want you all with Me on Calvary; you are in my motherly Heart and here you too must learn to pray, to suffer, to be silent, to offer yourselves up. Thus am I preparing you for your priestly immolation. Say your ‘yes’ to the Will of the Father. Say it with Me, your heavenly Mother, who have long been preparing you in the same way that I prepared my Son Jesus. (Our Lady Speaks to Her Beloved Priests [The Marian Movement of Priests, 1986], 246)

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