Sunday, December 10, 2017

The Nature of Pre-Existence in John 17:5

So now, Father, glorify me in your own presence with the glory that I had in your presence before the world existed. (John 17:5, NRSV)

During the Christmas season, many critics of Christianity will attempt to debunk the foundational claims of the faith and the reliability of the Gospels (the same happens during Easter, too). However, it is not just atheists/agnostics, but those who profess a heretical theology, too.

Anthony Buzzard, a leading defender of Socinian Christology, posted the following on John 17:5:

In reality, John 17:5 does not support notional pre-existence merely, but personal, too, something denied by Socinians like Buzzard. Interested readers should pursue the following articles:

John 17:5 and the Personal Pre-Existence of Jesus

Critique of Dave Burke on John 17:5

Neuman and Nida on John 17:5 as teaching Jesus' personal pre-existence

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