Wednesday, January 17, 2018

An Attack on the First Presidency and Jordan Peterson and Ben Shapiro Dismantles "White Privilege"

Gina “perpetually outraged” Colvin wrote the following directed against the First Presidency of the Church:

So please, do NOT come to my country asking for young people to drop their cultural and national identities in favour of a Mormon one until you are willing to dispense with:

The privileges of your Whiteness
Your US American-ness
Your Heterosexuality
Your Masculinity

Yours in fierce protection of  Indigenous women and mothers who raise children who live daily with the terrible effects of YOUR culture and YOUR identity.

Not to get too political on this blog, but this is utterly stupid. There is no such thing a “white privilege,” only decisional privilege. Then again, facts are kinnda meaningless to the more liberal sphere of the Church who are, functionally, former Mormons in all but name.