Friday, January 5, 2018

Ben Shapiro on the New York Times' Obituary for Thomas S. Monson

I rarely discuss politics on this blog (although I am very open about being staunchly pro-life). Notwithstanding, those who know me are aware that I am a huge fan of Ben Shapiro. Anyway, Shapiro, who himself is a devout Orthodox Jew, has written a very good beat-down of the hatchet job that was the New York Times' obituary for Thomas S. Monson, the same "newspaper" that lauded Fidel Castro (whose regime murdered homosexuals, among other things) and that pervert, Hugh Hefner:

The New York Times Proves It Hates Religious Americans With This Obituary

Daniel Peterson also dealt with this issue on his blog:

Fidel Castro, Hugh Hefner, and Thomas S. Monson