Thursday, February 22, 2018

Prayer Request for the Tralee Branch

I live in a small town in the southwest of Ireland, Tralee, in County Kerry. Our little branch struggles a lot due to its size (in some weeks, we barely pass 10 in attendance). As part of the intention and prayers of our fasting on the 4th March, we will be praying and hoping for at least one solid LDS family (or family who will convert and will become solid members) and become members of our branch. As I do believe in the efficacy of petitionary prayer, I will also ask those who follow this blog to include, as part of their requests in their daily prayers between here and the 4th March, to perhaps consider asking God to be merciful to our branch and for this prayer to be answered (and hopefully, abundantly . . . .)

As an aside, if anyone is looking to move to Ireland, here is information on Tralee as well as the county it is in, Kerry.