Monday, March 5, 2018

Request for sections from a forthcoming volume against Christian Universalism

There is a forthcoming 2-volume work critiquing Christian Universalism, Michael J. McClymond, The Devil's Redemption: A New History and Interpretation of Christian Universalism (Baker, 2018). One can pursue the table of contents here, and the Amazon listing is here.

As a lot of the work deals with debates within Protestant circles about universalism and other topics (frankly, I do not have a huge interest in such, in light of the cost of the set), I am requesting that if any reader of this blog who is planning on purchasing the set, if they could send me the following sections of the volumes as they deal, directly or indirectly, with topics that Latter-day Saints would be interested in:

2.9. Multilevel Heavens in Swedenborgianism and Mormonism

12. The Eclipse of Grace: An Appraisal of Christian Universalism
12.1. The Cumulative Argument: A Survey of Preceding Chapters
12.2. The Problem of God in Christian Universalism
12.3. The Problem of Grace in Christian Universalism
12.4. The Problem of Belief in Christian Universalism
12.5. Christian Universalism and the Challenge of Evil
12.6. Christian Particularism and the Call to Hope

Appendix B: Zoroastrian Eschatology

Appendix J: Words and Concepts for Time and Eternity

Appendix K: Mormon Teachings on God, Cosmos, and Salvation

Alternatively, one can send an amazon voucher my way to preorder the set ;-)

Either way, if one can scan them and/or photocopy (or wish to send an Amazon voucher . . . ) the sections and send them my way, you can email me at IrishLDS87ATGmailDOTcom (if the latter, I will send you my home address to send the photocopies of the relevant pages).