Friday, May 25, 2018

Prayer Request for the Irish Referendum on the Eighth Amendment

In the Irish Constitution, there is the Eighth Amendment which legally recognises the intrinsic humanity and rights of the unborn child beginning at the moment of implantation (personally, I think it should be changed to earlier [conception]--nothing is perfect . . .  There will be a referendum on 25th May here in Ireland (thus my postdating this post--I wish for it to be the "top article" on the blog until the day of the vote) as to whether it should be repealed. Currently, the pro-abortion side (so-called “pro-choice” side) wishes to introduce abortion up to 12 weeks of pregnancy, although many hope to use that as a doorway to eventually introduce late stage abortion.

As those who know me I am staunchly pro-life, and I will be voting “no.” I am requesting that readers of this blog, LDS and non-LDS, including those who may not like me personally, to set aside any theological differences with me and pray that God will be merciful to the Irish people and that the “no” side (which will retain the amendment) will prevail.