Friday, August 24, 2018

Catholic Answers Still Repeating Long-Answered Arguments against Latter-day Saint Theology

As much as I like Trent Horn on many issues (e.g., his great work on pro-life issues and he is also one of the best modern Catholic apologists [see his books, Persuasive Pro-Life and The Case for Catholicism: Answers to Classic and Contemporary Protestant Objections), as with most Catholic apologists, his arguments against The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints are, to put it nicely, weak, and it is sad to see that he repeats long-answered arguments (1) against "Mormonism" as well as (2) in favour of Catholicism (e.g., the bogus claim the ancient Church and modern Catholic Church believes the same things [*]) in a recent article:

His arguments against LDS theology (e.g., God the Father being embodied) in this article, among others, were dealt with in my review of his book, 20 Answers: Mormonism:

(*) An example of this would be the dogma of the Immaculate Conception. See: