Friday, August 31, 2018

Janne Sjödahl on the Importance of Sound Exegesis of Scripture

In a volume on ecclesiastical history, Janne Sjödahl wrote the following about the eisegesis (via allegory and other like-methods of interpretation that took precedent over the historical-grammatical method) that permeated much of the patristic literature. This should serve as a warning to modern Latter-day Saints as so many LDS works are, sadly, textbook examples of how not to do exegesis:

The fact is that the Fathers were more ignorant of the Scriptures than many in our day realize. They, or many of them, placed the Epistle to the Hebrews among the doubtful books, and rejected the Catholic epistles. At the same time they accepted the Apocryphal books as authority. They relied largely on the Septuagint translation of the Bible, while the Syriac, which is now considered of invaluable aid to the student, was unknown, or neglected. In their interpretation they allegorized, sometimes to the very verge of foolishness. Tertullian says the Prince of Tyre, in Ezekiel, means the devil. They believed in the fable of the “apples of Sodom.” Tertullian asserts: A fiery shower burnt up Sodom and Gomorrah. The land still smells of fire; and if apples grow on the trees, it is to the eye only; for, being touched, they turn to ashes.” He also has the following explanation why Jesus chose twelve Apostles: “I find the figures of the number with the Creator: there were twelve fountains of Elim, and twelve gems in the sacerdotal tunic of Aaron, and twelve stones set up in Jordan.” Justin says that “dwelling under one’s own vine” means having but one wife. It is any wonder if false doctrines were introduced at a time when the guardians of the faith were no incompetent as some of the Fathers were? (Janne Mattson Sjödahl, The Reign of Antichrist or the Great “Falling Away.”: A Study in Ecclesiastical History [Salt Lake City: The Deseret News, 1913], 132-33)

On the topic of Ezek 28 and the Prince of Tyre, Sjödahl was correct in rejecting the identification of the Prince figure with Satan. For more, see: