Thursday, August 30, 2018

Targum Neofiti on Genesis 3:15 being Messianic

Gen 3:15 is often taken as a Messianic prophecy. While many modern Jews reject this reading, some Jewish texts interpreted it in a Messianic fashion. One such text is Targum Neofiti which renders the verse as follow:

And I will put enmity between you" and the woman and between your sons' and her sons. And it will come about that when her sons observe the Law and do the commandments they will aim at you and smite you on your head and kill you. But when they forsake the commandments of the Law you will aim and bite him on his heel and make him ill. For her sons, however, there will be a remedy, but for you, O serpent, there will not be a remedy, since they are to make appeasement in the end, in the day of King Messiah. (Targum Neofiti 1: Genesis [The Aramaic Bible volume 1A; trans. Martin McNamara; Collegeville, Minn.: The Liturgical Press, 1992], 61, italics in original)