Monday, September 17, 2018

David Pawson - New Testament Baptism

Sentinel Apologetics just posted the following video on water baptism, one of my favourite theological topics to discuss/debate:

David Pawson - New Testament Baptism

It is a two-part interview on Finnish television addressing who should be baptised (believers vs. infants) and other important issues. While Pawn does not explicitly state he holds to baptismal regeneration, he does state that, through the instrumentality of water baptism, one receives a clean conscience (cf. 1 Pet 3:19-21) and, again through the instrumentality of water baptism, one is saved from their sins (cf. Acts 2:38). Latter-day Saints should find this video of interest.

Pawson has written a few books on baptism, two of which I just ordered. I hope they will provide some good information for future blog posts:

Explaining Water Baptism and

Jesus Baptises in One Holy Spirit: When? How? Why? Who?

For some of my previous articles addressing baptismal regeneration, see: