Saturday, September 8, 2018

Jeff Durbin and Apologia Radio Embarrass Themselves on Divine Embodiment

Jeff Responds to Mormon Debate

In his review of his and James White's interaction with Kwaku El, Jeff Durbin, among other things, embarrassed himself with the bald assertions and eisegesis he made about John 4:24 and Luke 24:39 to support the claim that (1) spirit is immaterial and (2) God, in his substantial nature, is spirit only,

To see why Jeff (and others) are dead-wrong and guilty of eisegesis, see:

Lynn Wilder vs. Latter-day Saint (and Biblical) Theology on Divine Embodiment

As an aside, Jeff et al are wrong in claiming that Brigham Young taught that one must engage in polygamy to be exalted--such is based on quote-mining of vol. 11 p. 269 of the Journal of Discourses. For more, see:

Was Polygamy *necessary* for exaltation between 1843 to 1904?

For more material refuting Durbin/Apologia Radio, see:

For resources on how bankrupt Reformed theology, including Durbin’s arguments against the Restored Gospel truly are, see:

The LDS Priesthoods: Resource Page (cf. my book-length discussion: