Wednesday, September 5, 2018

Leighton Flowers, Observe how Calvinistic Determinism undermines Christian Apologetics

Leighton Flowers has a very good video on how James White/Jeff Durbin embarrassed themselves against Kwaku El when they were discussing Reformed theology:

Observe how Calvinistic Determinism undermines Christian Apologetics

Obviously, Flowers seems very ignorant of "Mormonism" (and as with White, Durbin, and others, would happily have a public debate with Flowers if anyone would wish to set something up, on topics such as Sola Scriptura, the "Number" of God, etc), and shows disrespect to Kwaku by referring him to as "the Mormon," Flowers does a good job at showing how White/Durbin's Reformed theology is a blasphemous insult to God.

For more on the many problems of Reformed theology, see my lengthy article:

An Examination and Critique of the theological Presuppositions Underlying Reformed Theology