Thursday, September 20, 2018

Michael Heiser: Genesis 1:26 is not a valid proof-text for the Trinity

Commenting on Gen 1:26 in his volume on angels, Michael Heiser wrote:

. . . I’ll draw your attention to the plural language of Genesis 1:26 (“let us make humankind in our image,” LEB). That language isn’t a cryptic reference to the Trinity God is speaking to his heavenly host. HE is sharing a decision with them—decreeing his will, as it were. If he were speaking to the members of the Trinity, they would already know what’s in God’s mind because they are coequal and coeternal with him. Instead, the plural language of Genesis 1:26 intentionally connects humanity, God, and the members of the heavenly host with respect to an important biblical concept: imaging God. Imaging God is about representation—acting on God’s behalf at his behest. Humans image God on earth. The heavenly host images God in the spiritual, non-terrestrial world. (Michael S. Heiser, Angels: What the Bible Really Says About God’s Heavenly Host [Bellingham, Wash.: Lexham Press, 2018], xv, italics in original)