Tuesday, October 23, 2018

Michael Heiser - Responding to James White on Psalm 82 and John 10

James White has recently (lamely) attempted to defend his dated interpretation of Psa 82 and John 10 (i.e., it is about human judges; not a divine council of heavenly/divine beings). A fan of Michael Heiser on youtube has responded showing that White is rather clueless about biblical scholarship:

Michael Heiser - Responding to James White on Psalm 82 and John 10

For more, be sure to see the Heiser/Bokovoy discussion on the Latter-day Saint interpretation of these passages (which he mentions in this video):

Michael Heiser, You’ve Seen One Elohim, You’ve Seen Them All? ACritique of Mormonism’s Use of Psalm 82

David Bokovoy, “Ye Really Are Gods”: A Response to Michael Heiser concerning the LDS Use of Psalm 82 and the Gospel of John